In TORSH Talent, you can export a Data Form to PDF, CSV, or as an artifact in your Videos & Files page! To do so, first navigate to 'Coaching Corner' and click the 'Data Forms' tab. Click 'Completed' on the left-side panel to view your completed data forms. Find the form you wish to export and click on its '...' icon. In the dropdown menu, click 'View.'
This will bring you to a preview of your completed data form. In the top, right-hand corner of your form, click on the ‘Export’ button and choose your export option from the dropdown list.
- 'Export to PDF' will automatically load the PDF export in another tab. You can then download the PDF to your computer from that page.
- 'Export to CSV' will automatically download the CSV file to your computer.
- 'Export to Videos & Files' will automatically create a PDF copy of your completed data form as an uploaded document artifact in your Videos & Files page of Talent.
If you choose to Export to PDF, you will then be prompted to choose between Landscape or Portrait orientation. Choose your orientation, and then click 'Continue,' and the PDF will load in a new window.
Export to PDF on Windows
To save the page as a PDF on a Windows PC, first make sure that your 'Printer' is designated as the 'Save to PDF' option. With this particular Print Preview screen, it should select it by default.
Next, click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the Print Preview screen.
This will open a File Explorer window. Feel free to give your document a name. Designate where you would like to save it, and then click 'Save.'
Export to PDF on Mac
To save the page as a PDF on a Mac, click on the 'Open PDF in Preview' option at the bottom of the the Print Preview pop-up. This will load your PDF document in the Preview app.
From here, click 'File' in your top navigation bar for Preview. In the dropdown that appears, click 'Export...'
On the next pop-up, give your PDF file a name, designate where you would like to save it, and then click 'Save.'
Export to Videos & Files
When you choose to 'Export to Videos & Files,' Talent will automatically create a PDF copy of your completed data form as an uploaded document artifact in your Videos & Files page of Talent.
After selecting this option, please allow the platform several minutes to process the request. When you visit 'Videos & Files' you should now find a document artifact of your completed data form.
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